Philippines Women's Month Logo
The issue about women is never ending. We are in the 21st century but still the issues about women are still in the process of making it better. Sexual harassment, rape, women liberation, women empowerment, gender issues, women’s worth in the society, gender equality and so on and so forth. We are still crying for recognition, respect and equality.
As I was contemplating about the women’s roles from the ancient to the present, the women‘s roles are innovating. They can now work and earn equally as men do. Nevertheless, there are countries and places, which threat women as their slaves.
I am proud to be a Filipino, where women can achieve what men can. In the latest survey of the Grant Thornton International Business Report, 97 percent of businesses in the Philippines have women in senior management positions, the highest among 32 countries surveyed. The figure is substantially higher than the global average of 59 percent.
The ranking was:
1. Philippines – 97%
2. China - 91 %
3. Malaysia - 85 %
4. Brazil – 83%
5. Hong Kong- 83%
6. Thailand – 81%
7. Taiwan- 80%
9. South Africa – 77%
10. Botswana – 74%
11. Russia – 73%
Philippines belong to the poor country but we can say that we are working for the betterment of our country.
Proud to be Pinoy!
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